Saturday 22 September 2012

The Light.

There is no punishment from God.

There is no judgment.

There is no hell.

There is no devil.

The former are projections onto God from humanity.

The last is a concept created by one theory of existence.
It explains why there is evil in a world created by a good God.

There are other explanations :
Humans in their ignorance (darkness) commit sins (errors) which create evil.
There is no need for a supernatural entity called Satan to explain the evils of this world.
Human ignorance is enough.

When babies are born they are cute and seem to glow with an inner light.
We soon discover that they are self-centered, possessive, aggressive, demanding, territorial, and exhausting, even manipulative.

We learn to become more social, to share things, to have consideration for others, to be sympathetic, compassionate, and to love.

Is this a pattern?
Darkness to light.
Ego to selflessness.
Enlightenment, development, growth.

Suffering teaches us compassion.

Opening hearts.

Our life is like a Shakespearean drama of which we are the protagonist.

We exist to experience, to learn.

Unfortunately most of us learn to be cynical and selfish.

Some learn to be childlike again.
To trust and love like a little child, without the childishness.

The world is corrupt and full of darkness.

Seek the light.

The light comes from God.

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