Wednesday 19 June 2013

Do It.

It is one thing to speak of unconditional love and forgiveness, it is another to do it.

Were the people in the churches to give unconditional love to those who entered their halls would be full to overflowing.

Instead the churches are full of fear.

Fear is cold, hard, and distant.

Were we able to unravel the doctrines of fear and institute doctrines of love and forgiveness it would still remain for people to actually do it.

If you are surrounded by love you can feel it.

But all too often we feel the cold, hard shoulder of fear.

It is one thing to speak of unconditional love and forgiveness, it is another to do it.

1 comment:

  1. Wise words Michael. It's hard to continually love someone when all they do is take take take and rarely love you back. I think this is the most difficuly, even harder than forgiveness, it's easier to forgive someone when you love them. But so hard to stay with them when they don't love you.
