Monday 1 September 2014

The Servant of All.

In what way was Jesus a servant?

Did he do the dishes?  No.
Did he cook the meals?  No.
Did he clean the house or do the washing?  No.
Did he visit the sick or the elderly?  No.

He did feed the hungry.  Yes.
He gave sight to the blind.  Yes.
He did make sick people whole.  Yes.

But this is not what is traditionally thought of as service - being a servant.

So in what way was Jesus the servant of all?

My understanding of this is that Jesus gave to those who sought him out exactly what they needed.
He was in the unique position of knowing what God was like.
And he was able to communicate this to his followers.
(Although they constantly misinterpreted him.)

He was able to see how God thought we should act.
And he communicated this through parables.

But he was not a servant in the sense that he did people's chores for them.
He did not work in the worldly sense.

He was able to see.
And the Father answered his prayers.

Photo Credit: More Good Foundation via Compfight cc

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