Saturday 1 October 2016

Gay Sex.

Somehow we must navigate the treacherous waters between licentious demonic satyrism and fanatical religious chastity.

Like Odysseus who sailed his ship between two sea monsters - Scylla and Charybdis.

All gay venues encourage promiscuity.

Most religions require abstinence.

One false step could see us in hell.

But God does not discriminate against gay men.

God loves us as He loves others.

Gay sex is no different to heterosexual sex.

What we are dealing with is stereotyping and prejudice.

The stereotype is the gay sexual libertine.

The prejudice is that gay sex is sinful.

For some reason male-male sex is thought to be more physical than male-female sex.

Men are thought to be more sexual and less emotional.

This is plainly false.

In a post-AIDS environment men are looking for a relationship not the casual, anonymous sex of the pre-Stonewall era.

But to reach heaven we must deal with the adamant objections of the established religions.

We are judged by a double standard.

We are expected to observe restrictions that they do not observe themselves.

This is blatant discrimination.

It is unfair and untenable.

Gay marriage is the first step towards equality.

We will be free.

Gay sex will no longer be a vice worthy of hell.

We will be able to consummate our love and enter into heaven.

Photo Credit: carusobusch via Compfight cc

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